After meeting with Ruby, I returned to Riverview, feeling better, but at the same time, even less certain that Molly and Tony were handling their relationships properly. I know I should trust in their judgment, but I just can’t help feeling the way I do! I need to butt out of their affairs, though, and deal with my own. Turn a blind eye, as it were! In all reality, my life is probably a bigger mess than either of theirs.
“Snap out of it! Get a hold of yourself!” I murmured to myself. It never ceases to amaze me how one can obsess over something that is really quite trivial.
I push them from my mind by turning to the internet. I found some free time to look into Caleb and his father online. Stalker much? And, boy, did I feel like a stalker! I’ve done this kind of digging online many times in the past. Why did this time feel so different from those times? Perhaps it’s because I’d only met Caleb a couple of times and he seemed genuine. Yet, his physical appearance was too similar to my own; he was from Riverview; his father is a geneticist at the Riverview labs; Axel and I were conceived at the Riverview labs. I had to know more about him!

So why not just ask him [I’ll bet you’re wondering]! Well, I’d only met him those couple of times and it would be extremely awkward to strike up a conversation about it – in my mind, anyway!
My initial searches didn’t much of anything; nothing noteworthy, anyway. A couple articles showering him with platitudes and accolades for his research, and even more proclaiming him a disgrace to the genetics field - pretty standard crap in research, I’ve found. I’ll have to dig a little deeper next time.
I called Beau and asked what he knew, if anything. Other than telling me he was a recluse (which I already knew), he knew even less than the internet. He didn’t ask why I was making these inquiries; he never asked.
Between work and family issues, I was finding less and less time to spend on the internet. When I found some time, I tried hacking into several classified research sites, and finally found…something. This was too much! I sat there and stared at my monitor for what seemed like hours; my eyes affixed to the document on the screen.
“What the hell do I do now? I have to tell someone; but who?” I said aloud.
Before I realized it, I was pressing the send button on my phone! “Please be home!” I pleaded with the rings, as they echoed in my ear.

Then finally, “I’m not here! Leave a message! I might get back to you!” was all I was going to get for my trouble.
At the tone, I left my message, “I need to talk to you. Meet me for lunch tomorrow at Callaghan’s; my treat! Let me know if you can’t make it.” As I hung up, I was already dreading having made the call.
Not having received a phone call to the contrary, I drove to Callaghan’s. A quick look revealed that he was not here, yet. I found an empty booth and seated myself opposite the door so I could see him come in.

After a couple ales, the owner, Jeff Callaghan stopped by the table, “You don’t usually drink by yourself; been stood up?”
“It’s looking that way,” I agreed. “I suppose I better get going. Thanks for the drinks.”
I was about to leave when he came through the door. He made is way over to the table and took a seat.
“You look like hell!” I observed.

“You like my new look, do you? Anyway, what’d you want?” he snapped!
“Maybe we should just forget this lunch and go our separate ways. Your demeanor would suggest you would rather be alone.”
“Sorry, Boris! Got a lot on my plate right now, ya know?”
“I’m sorry, Ax! I forgot Ruby left with the kids!” I said, remembering Ruby was approached at the club she played at by some guy, Harken or Harking, I think it was, that wanted to help her get a deal. I haven’t heard from her in over a month. “I’m always here for you! Don’t hesitate to call! Truth be told, my family life isn’t so great, either. We need each other’s strength!”
“I just can’t believe she took off with the kids and only left me a message. Did she think I was going to try to talk her out of going…wherever? She didn’t even say where she was going!”

“I can only imagine how you must feel, Axel. But you know as well I do that Ruby would not intentionally keep the kids from you. She wants them to spend time with their father. You have every right to be angry at her, but she will contact you as soon as she can. You have to believe that.”
“I know, I know! I’m just pissed that she just up and left like that! It hurts! It hurts a lot!”
“Here, drink this,” I placated, sliding a drink across the table to him. “It may not help, but it surely can’t hurt.”
“Thanks; you always knew how to smooth my feathers, Karloff!” he grinned, “Now, what did you want to see me about?”
“Oh, it’s nothing really.” Now, my problems seemed miniscule in comparison to his. I think I would be devastated if Jing left me with the kids – even if I knew where they went.
“Don’t start! You wouldn’t have been so insistent if it weren’t important to you. Let’s have it!” he nearly barked over a sip of his ale.

I pulled the printed sheet from my pocket and unfolded it and pushed it across the table at him. He pulled it towards him and read at the same time.

“Yeah, so what’s the big deal? We already knew where we came from!”
Evidently Axel didn’t think this was as big a find as I did. “Yeah, but it says THREE latest successes…” I trailed off.
“Hmm…I didn’t catch that. It looks like the bottom of the page is smudged, as if something were erased.”

“…and do you propose we do…something?” he asked, one eye cocked up, waiting for “the plan.” I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You criminal types are all alike! Every time someone presents “something” to you, you need a plan. Well, I’ll tell you the plan. We’re not going to do anything. How’s that for a plan?”
“We gotta have a plan! You really are no fun, you know that?” he smirked.
“Well, I just had to show someone, that’s all.”
“Okay, you did! So we’re the result of a genetic experiment! So what?”
“You really are simple…” I joked, reaching across and shoving his arm. “Finish your drink!”
I folded the paper and placed it back in my pocket. We spent another half hour trying to agree on something we should do together. His outings always included drinking alcohol; not that I can blame him. After we came to an agreement, we finished our drinks and went our separate ways.
I was taken by surprise when I received a call from Caleb a few days later. He was in Riverview and wanted to meet for lunch. I readily accepted and we decided on the time and location. He graciously extended his invitation to Jing, who said she would love to go to lunch.
We arrived at the café early, wanting to be sure to get a table. The National Equestrian Rodeo and Fair (NERF) came to Riverview this year and the town was busier than usual. I still can’t get over how similar we look; Caleb and I. Perhaps there’s something to the old adage that everyone has a twin…somewhere in the world.

Luckily, the lunch crowd hadn’t started to hit the café and Jing and I were able to grab a good table close to the doors.
We hadn’t been there too long when I received a call from Caleb, “I’m sorry Boris, but it seems we’re running a little late. Dad got tied up at the lab and hasn’t been able to get away yet. I will be leaving here in a half hour at the latest, with or without him, if that would be alright.”
I picked up the hint of a French accent in his voice. It was faint, but there nonetheless. I hadn’t noticed it when I first met him in France; probably because it was faint and others around had thicker accents.

After checking with Jing, I reassured him it would be alright. “We’ll just make it an early dinner then.”
“Thanks for being so understanding, Boris; my apologies to Jing.”
Less than an hour later, they arrived. None too soon, as the conversation between Jing and myself was lacking. We talked mostly about the kids, with her worrying more about Lian than the boys.

I rose to greet them and introductions were made all around. Meeting the doctor; Caleb’s father; face to face, made me more curious about him. I don’t know why, really. He seemed normal enough; despite looking like he might be the good Dr. Frankenstein we’ve all read about.
We spent some time chatting about this and that. Jing really hit it off with Caleb and his father. We got so caught up in conversation that time seemed to slip away and dusk was upon us. We ordered our meals and kept a lively conversation going while we dined.

After the meal Jing and I made our exit, thanking them for an enjoyable afternoon. We all agreed we’d have to get together again. Jing extended an invitation to them both to visit.
Like was pretty normal [read, boring] for the next month or so, my job occupying much of my time. My birthday came and went with no fanfare. It’s all the same to me, really, as Ruby and Stormy were not around to enjoy it with. Jing prepared a meal and invited my dads over for the feast.
After dinner, we got the kids ready for bed, then snuck away to the hot tub in the backyard. The night air was chilly, but the hot water and steam rising for the surface cast the nip away.

Soon afterwards, I was off to Egypt with the team to work on a case. The case has been open for several years now; the trail is getting cold; the evidence getting old; with little more to go on that had not already been investigated. We were to give it one last look before the case was filed as a cold case.
Our second day in Egypt and we haven’t received the information we were to have had yesterday. If we don’t get the files soon, this will be a long assignment.
It was getting late in the day and I was getting hungry. I made my way to the kitchen and began to prepare dinner. I had just gotten the Shawarma in the oven when they strolled into the kitchen; Jon leading the way. The rest of the team had been out in the desert all day searching for some clue to missing contact. John placed a dossier on the counter, so I assume they were successful in locating the agent.
He laid them on the counter and opened a file. I was unable to procure lamb, so I had to settle for chicken for the sandwiches. It turns out this was a good thing, as it took less time to prepare.

He began to explain the contents as I continued to prepare the food. Everyone was pretty hungry and therefore, not very attentive. I hurried the food along as much as I could.
After hearing a stomach or two begging for food, I pulled the meal from the oven and served it up.

The files were brought to the table and we studied them as we ate. Not a word was spoken while we each perused the information in turn.
After the dishes were cleaned up, Jon led me up to my room. I had been given the largest of the bedrooms in the safe house. I protested, but was told I would take this room without question. Seemed damn odd to me at the time, but nonetheless did what I was told.
He laid the dossier on the edge of the desk, walked across the room and closed the drapes, then walked back toward a section of the wall in the corner of the room near the desk.

After pressing some hidden switches, some obviously strenuous shoving accompanied with some colorful language the wall finally gave way to unveil a hidden alcove containing shelves filled with documents, boxes, old scrolls and other objects.

“Boris, these documents have been gone through again and again, by several agents before you. Nothing substantial was gain from their contents. Now, it’s your turn to see if you can give us something; anything; that will aid us in solving this case. You’ll have a secure connection to the agency database from here.”
“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll get started right away.” This is not what I imagined when they said I’d be working in the field. Oh, well, maybe some other time.
“Make sure you keep those drapes pulled while you’ve got this door open.”

“I’ll leave you to it, then. Make sure you get some rest,” he said as he paused at the door; it was closed and he was gone before I could say anything.
Having something to do, I walked into the alcove and retrieved the first document, got settled in the chair and started reading. Occasionally, I would cross reference the document with the database, to ensure what I thought might be important, was entered.

Having a love for reading, it didn’t take long for me to finish reading all of the documents. I compiled my findings, matching them against the database one last time, before I wrote my report. I came across some passage that struck me odd; out of place; with the rest of the document; that I made note of. They might turn out to be nothing, but I felt they needed to be scrutinized.
While running my work through the database, I happened upon the name Schlossberg…one Dr. Friedrich Schlossberg. My curiosity piqued, I raised an eyebrow and opened the file. Most of what was in there I had already found in my searches. However, there was a copy of the document I had showed to Axel, only this one contained all three names.

So, Caleb is my half brother. I wonder what Achilles would say if he knew he had another son; better still, what would Damon’s reaction be? Against my better judgment, I quickly saved a copy of the document to my computer in a secure folder. I’m sure this is against some Agency policy, but I had to have the document to show to Dad.
Was it worth all this trouble to upset the apple cart, though? Would it be better to leave things as they are now? How could I? I knew, and couldn’t trust myself to keep it secret. I’ll decide what to do with this once I get settled at home.
I shook off those thoughts, completed the report and went over it with the team. All of us were new to this investigation. All we knew of it was what was in the files back at the Department. Confident that everything was covered, I was free to head out; my part was done. I had just enough time to make it to our meeting.
I sent a quick email off to Molly, Ruby and Tony, letting them know I should be there on time. No sooner had I sent it, when I remembered Ruby wouldn’t be with us this time around. I gathered up all of my bags and was ready to head to the airport.
Darrell drove me to the airport and helped me get checked in. He kept me company for a few minutes at the gate.

Reluctantly he had to get back to the compound, so we said our good-byes. I purchased a large coffee and found a table where I pulled out my laptop so I could email home and make them aware of my travel plans.

That done, I read over the rest of my mail, then surfed the web for a bit; resisting the urge to open that document again. I found my way back to the gate and found a quiet spot where I could pass the time until boarding.
End chapter 5, Part 6 – Boris
Custom Content by Sandy (ATS3), Demonic (D&M Creations), Luna (Luna Sims Lulamai) and others.

The mystery of Caleb has been revealed at last! At least to us readers! :P
ReplyDeleteNice pink cowboy you got there lol.
I saw Jing and the first think I thought was, "isn't she dead yet?" So bad of me!
RUBY! What have you done to poor Axel? :O
Thanks for a great update R!
OMG!!! Poor Axel! Look what that harlot Ruby has done to him. :P let's hope things are going well where she is, so that she can come home ...or possibly bring Axel to her. (hmmmm)
ReplyDeleteI loved the Pink cowboy!!! he looked great. :D
I don't know if upsetting the apple cart is wise, but we all want to know what Achilles has to say about it...sooo. upset away, Rob. :)
Great update, Romeo.
/applauds wildly.
P.s. I love Axels' new look. it looks very wild. :D
ReplyDeleteOh my! did not know you updated..
ReplyDeleteI’m sorry Boris is having a hard time with Tony and Molly.. I know they did not think things through and hurt a lot of people.
Ahh New look for Axel awesome I’m sure Ruby leaving has a lot to do with the new
So, that was awesome how you did the story of Caleb.. very interesting story, and nice detective work Boris! As always.. I think he missed his
The pictures and settings were awesome, and the writing excellent as Always!
I enjoyed the update very much.