“Ruby?”…. Axel asked again slightly annoyed I had drifted off again.

“Wha….” Having been startled back to reality I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment.
"I’m sorry Axel, was I day dreaming again?” I asked.
“I guess…where you go in these dreams of yours?” He inquired.
“I’m sorry, I was just thinking about the offer I was made the other night.”
“You see, a few weeks ago the owners at Club Envy extended an invitation for The Brain Waves to become a permanent fixture during their Happy Hour. It seems we have been such a success that the club had increased its sales substantially.
Unfortunately many of the teachers couldn’t be chained down to a contract, what with prior obligations and families and all. I got to thinking that this could be the opportunity I had been waiting for. I asked the owner if he would object to a solo act.
He agreed, although just between the two of us, I was the main reason he had presented the offer in the first place.”

“Ruby that’s great news!” Axel remarked happily. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks! This is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for!” I said excitedly.
“DADDY!” Byron hollered from where the kids were playing. “Want to ride!” He said pointing at the little pirate ship nearby.

“Alright already, little guy. Be right back, Ruby.” Axel ran over to Byron, scooping him up into his arms and ‘flew’ him over to the awaiting rider.
Bryon squealed with joy and his little laugh was music to my ears. I had so much to be thankful for, three great kids, a job that lets me teach music to others and a chance to share my music with the world…well Crescent Bay at least…for now.

“Hey! Wait for Mommy!” I yelled as I ran to join the fun.

Another school year was quickly coming to a close. I’m amazed at how fast time flew by. There were plenty of yearbooks to sign, end of the year parties, and graduations. Many of my students were going on to college or joining the workforce. It seemed like only yesterday, these kids were just a rag tag bunch of kids who couldn’t play a tune. Now hopefully they would take whatever knowledge they learned and use it in the real world. It makes me feel proud to know I had a hand in molding these kids into the young adults they have become.
With the end of the school year, I took Robert Stallings, the owner of Club Envy on his offer. It would definitely be a different scene altogether, but I am excited to embark on this new adventure.
“Now…you guys. Mrs. Littleton will be here shortly. I want you guys to be super good for her okay?”
Mrs. Littleton was the nanny I had hired to sit with the kids while I was away. She came highly recommended from some friends. She is a retired school teacher, with three grown kids of her own.
As I frantically ran about the house getting myself ready for the night, the doorbell rang.
“Okay, there she is guys. Let’s make her feel welcome, alright?” I asked hopefully. My kids were good, for the most part, but they could be little demons too when the mood struck them.
“Hello Mrs. Littleton. I am so glad to see you.” I said shaking her hand.

“Oh, don’t be so formal, call me Anita, please.” She remarked smiling. Her green eyes sparkled as she did. “Are these your angels?” She asked looking at Celia and Leliana. “My, you two are pretty.”
“And you must be Mommy’s big boy? Aren’t you a handsome one?” She said ruffling his hair.
Byron returned her smile with a look of suspicion, but allowed himself to ruffled.

After another round of hugs and kisses and a final ‘you all behave’ and I was out the door. Driving to the club, the butterflies were flying around in my stomach. I wasn’t anxious, just excited for this opportunity that had been presented to me.
When I arrived, it looked like Happy Hour was in full swing. A few of the teachers were having some snacks and a few drinks, to celebrate another year passed. They waved as I made my way past the tables to join them.
Nathan Reinhardt, you remember him as a member of The Brain Waves; he stood and pulled a chair over so I could sit with them.
“Thanks.” I said as I sat down. “What are we celebrating tonight?” I asked as a drink was placed in front of me.
Maria Santos, another Brain Waves member replied, “Surviving another year at CB High!”
“Here, Here!” the table erupted in agreement. Glasses clinked all around, followed by silence as we all drank to the toast.
“So, Ruby…I hear you’ll be playing here regularly.” Nathan said happily.
“Yeah, it’s not the glamorous life I had envisioned, but we have to start somewhere, right?” I smiled. “Besides, I get to see you guys during the summer. Will you play with me occasionally? I’d like that.”
Before anyone could answer it was time for me to go on. I brought my guitar with me this time. My old friend since high school, we had been through some times together, it was great to be playing her again.
Everything had been set up before hand, so as I approached the microphone, my friends began a round of applause and rowdy whistling and shouting. Happy Hour had begun.
“Hello, my name is Ruby.”

“Wooooooo! Go Ruby!!” The teachers exclaimed.
Smiling and blushing I might add, I played my first song of the night. As my fingers strummed each chord a few of the guests made their way to the dance floor. As, I sang I looked over at my friends sitting at the “teacher’s table”, Nathan gave me a thumbs up sign. It wasn’t too long after, he was on the dance floor.
I felt good, people were happy and enjoying the music I was playing. I made sure to mix it up, rowdy songs to drink by followed by good dancing tunes.
Stepping down to take a break, I got a round of applause from the regulars. I bowed and took my place with my friends. Nathan had bought a round for us, this time in celebration of Me.
“Oh, stop. You really shouldn’t make such a fuss. You guys are just as good as I am.” I said modestly.
“Pffft!” Nathan replied. “Stop being so humble, you know you’re great!” Placing his drink on the table, he rose from his seat, extended his hand. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”
“I don’t know.” I answered hesitantly.
“Come on...just one dance.” He asked again and flashed a cheesy grin at me.
“Ok, just one. Then I go back to finish.” I replied.
“Yesssss!” he replied in a triumphant tone.
My one dance ended up being three. Nathan’s exuberance was contagious. The music was fun and I was feeling fine.
“You know what?” I asked.
“What?” Nathan asked in mid spin.
“I haven’t had this much fun in a long time….thank you.”
“Really, the pleasure is all mine.” He said joyfully.
When the music finally ended, he bowed and kissed my hand. “My thanks to ye, M’Lady.”
I playfully hit him in the shoulder, “Stop, you goof.”
The remainder of the night was spent singing and playing for Club Envy customers. Many of them came up afterwards and offered me various compliments and praises. I had to be careful I didn’t get a swelled head. And of course there were the different marriage proposals from the drunken guys, followed by their wives giving them “the look”.
When I arrived at home, the kids were fast asleep. I crept into their rooms and planted a soft kiss on each of their foreheads.
“Goodnight, my angels. Momma loves you.”
July was quickly approaching, as was the Senior Trip to Paris. I was asked to go as a chaperone. A chance to see my students again, visit Paris and it’s free…of course! Who wouldn’t jump at that?
Mr. Stallings graciously gave me the time off I needed and assured me I was welcome back as soon as I arrived back in Crescent Bay.
With one less worry on my mind, now I had to make arrangements for the kids. Mrs. Littleton said she would change her schedule around, so she could stay at the house while I was away. Now, with another worry taken care of, I was free to get myself ready.
Thankfully the whole trip had already been paid for, due to fundraisers and parent’s generosity. We were all set to attend the Paris Jazz Festival that ran from late June to Early July.
After settling ourselves in the hotel, we were feeling pretty hungry. Room service had sent us a complimentary lunch. After eating we freshened up a bit and headed out to the Festival grounds.
Wow! What a sight? The whole area was covered with people strolling around. There were various styles of jazz to listen too, booths set up to talk to the actual musicians when they finished their set, souvenir shops and of course lots of different food choices at the food court.
One particular artist we met, Jean-Michel Renaud, he sat down and talked with the students for a good hour. He told of how he got started in the music business and what inspires him. The kids listened with rapt attention. I had never seen them so engrossed in music. I laughed to myself wondering if we could bottle that up.
We let the students stroll the grounds by themselves for a bit, while we took in some of the attractions ourselves. The weather was absolutely gorgeous; the people were very pleasant to us. The kids came back after a few hours, their arms stuffed with souvenirs.
As we walked back to the hotel, the kids were all excited, talking about the various musicians they met, all the hard work and dedication these folks put into getting where they are today. It made me feel good to be a part of their lives again.
The following morning, we were awakened to our 7 o’clock wake up call. I busied myself making sure all the girls were getting motivated and ready.
“Come on girls! Rise and shine!” I said as I began pulling open the curtains to let the sunshine in.
“Ooh...Come on Mrs. Lothario…just 10 more minutes.” They replied sleepily.
“No…no more minutes…now let’s get a move on.” I began shaking the bed to let them know time was up.
Needless to say the boys were ready way long before the girls. They even had enough time to grab some coffee downstairs, while waiting for the ladies.
A small taxi cab arrived at the hotel lobby to take us to the Opera House. We would be watching The Phantom of The Opera and taking a guided tour of the entire building.
As the cab pulled up to the front of the Palais Garnier, I was awestruck at the amazing architecture. We were greeted with massive rising columns, adorned with statues adorned with cherubs. It really was beautiful.
Upon walking in the foyer, we were met with a large winding staircase. The railings were made of a rich oak that gleamed underneath the crystal chandeliers. There were two levels and each level had a small balcony that you could look down and see the folks milling about. When you walked through the curtains behind the small balconies you were led to the box seats, which were inside the actual theatre.
I smiled at the various ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ that came from the student’s mouths. It was apparent just how much they were amazed at everything they were taking in. They pointed here and there, just absorbing all the rich colors and textures that made up this incredible building.
A smartly dressed tour guide led us to one of these box seats. As you looked across the theatre, you were met with rich reds of the carpet and the gold of the fringes. The orchestra was arranged near the front of the stage. All dressed in complimenting colors.
We took our seats; they were upholstered in the softest velvet, colored red like the room itself. It truly felt like sitting in luxury.
Our students chatted about everything they had seen until the lights began to dim. The orchestra began to play the most beautiful melody. As the actors took their places, I was transported to a different place in time.
I glanced at the kids every once in awhile. I thought they might be bored with the opera, but they were all leaning forward in their seats. They were so enthralled in the scenes unfolding before them, I wondered if they stopped to breath. They were so still.
As the opera finally came to a close, the kids stood to their feet and applauded with such sincerity. I truly was proud of these kids.
Our tour guide showed us the newly opened restaurant, and it was there we had our lunch. Much of the lunch hour was spent discussing the Opera House and all its history, the various musical geniuses that were housed in the Library and the dramatic performance of the opera itself.
Instead of taking a taxi back to the hotel we walked the streets of France, there was so much to see and do. The kids were bummed seeing as their visit here was coming to a close shortly. Our flight was scheduled to leave tomorrow afternoon, so were making the most of it while we had the opportunity.
It was nearing dusk when we finally arrived at the hotel. As much as the kids said they weren’t tired, they looked exhausted. Since they weren’t tired, we watched French TV for the remainder of the night. Like a giant slumber party, we ate chocolates and giggled like schoolgirls. Wait…they are schoolgirls…well you know what I mean.
Packing began bright and early since our flight would be leaving that afternoon. I wanted the kids to get a good breakfast before heading off, the flight’s food left a lot to be desired.
I didn’t really want to leave. This was such a beautiful city, filled with such history and culture, Crescent Bay just seemed so uninteresting in comparison. With a sigh I got into the cab and we were on our way.
During our drive to the airport, my cell phone began to ring. Looking at the caller ID I saw it was Tony.
“Hello, Tony. Everything okay?” I asked slightly worried.
“Ruby! Molly had the baby!!” he answered nearly breathless.
“Oh, Tony that’s so great!” I gasped. “How are Momma and baby?”
“They are doing well, hospital wants to keep Little T for a few weeks, just to see that he gains some weight and all, but…yeah…they are good.” He said happily.
“Well, I am actually here in Paris. The school paid for a trip of sorts for the music department. Do you think I could stop by and see Molly?” I asked hopefully.
“Yes, of course! It’d be great to see you again anyway.” He said cheerfully.
“Then it’s set. I’ll see you soon. Give my best wishes to Molly.” I answered.
The airport was packed with folks returning to the states. I approached the ticket counter to see if I could get my ticket changed to an ‘open’ status, seeing as I had no idea when I would be getting back to Crescent Bay.
The woman at the checkout counter glanced at her monitor to see all my information and replied sadly, “I’m sorry Mrs. Lothario. Since these tickets were purchased at a group rate. You’d have to buy a whole new ticket.”
This was bad news. I thanked the young lady and walked back my group of students. They were surprised I wouldn’t be returning with them.
“Mrs. Lothario, why aren’t you coming back with us?” They asked sadly.
“A very good friend of mine just had a baby. I was speaking to the father on the phone just before we got here. So it looks like I’ll be staying here a bit longer. If only I could get a different ticket.”
It was at just that moment a young man approached us, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I am in quite a predicament myself. ”
“You see I am a college student, I was visiting Europe for the summer. I had left my return ticket ‘open’ so that I could purchase a ticket when I was ready to return.
I stood silent listening to this young man’s dilemma, wondering how we could help each other.
“Unfortunately, I was unable to pull enough money together to purchase the ticket.” He looked at his shoes in embarrassment.
Hating to see this young man stuck in an airport until he could get enough money together, I sold him my group ticket at a reduced rate. ‘At least someone could get some use out of it’, I said to myself.
“Wow! Thanks so much, Ms…?
“My names’ Ruby, and it’s the least I can do. We are both in a bit of a jam. Good luck to you.” I said as I waved to him and my students. “Girls, you behave now.” I cautioned, seeing how they were looking at this young man. They giggled and ran off to join the others.
Having figured out my ticket situation, I called Mrs. Littleton to let her know, I wouldn’t be back as soon as I had hoped. She assured me the kids were doing well, but they missed me. I talked to each of them, told them how much Mommy loves them and assured them I’d be home soon.
The following morning, I ate breakfast and showered. Having asked the hotel receptionist where I could find the hospital, she told me not to worry and called a cab for me. I thanked her and sat in the lobby to wait.
A short time later I was standing in front of the hospital. I bought some flowers for Molly and was soon on my way to her room. I passed Colin in the hallway. Was it just me or did he look exhausted? He looked sad too. I guess I couldn’t blame him, considering everything that’s happened.
Molly was asleep when I arrived. Her pain medication was wearing off. I didn’t try and wake her as I thought she needed her rest. Tony came up behind me, we hugged and he showed me to where Little T was recuperating.
“Hmm, guess I picked the wrong time to visit, huh?” I told Tony. “Wow...He is so beautiful. You two must be so happy.” I tapped on the window that separated the NICU ward. “Hey little guy, happy Birthday.”
I walked back to Molly’s room, since I forgot to put her flowers down. Her eyes fluttered open for a bit.
“Hey Ruby….you’re here.” She mumbled.
“Yeah, Tony called me, I happened to be in town on a school trip. Thought I’d stop in and see you. But, I see you are exhausted. I won’t keep you up, you need your rest. Congratulations you guys.” I said grabbing Tony’s hand. “He is beautiful.” I added.
“Thanks for coming….” She answered.
“Hello Boris.” I said calling him one late afternoon.
“Ruby? What a nice surprise. What’s up?”
“I saw your flowers at the hospital. I didn’t know you were in Paris.” I replied.
“Yeah, I have to finalize the custody of Jacques, not something I am looking forward to. All the meetings and hearings, I mean.” He answered.
“So, what are you doing in the mean time? Do you have time to see an old friend?” I asked hopefully.
He laughed, “You are far from old Ruby, but yeah, I’d like to see you. You know, there is park nearby the hospital. Would you like to meet there, we can stop for lunch as well.”
“I’d like that. Will you bring Jacques; I’d like to meet him. He seems like a great boy.” I asked.
“Sure thing, Ruby. I’ll see you later then.”
“Goodbye Boris.” I finished.
It’s been quite some time since I’ve woke to the sound of almost silence. No kids crying, begging to be fed. Nothing crashing down, as the kids “played” with their toys. No kids fighting over said toy.
A smile crept to my face as I thought how good a bubble bath would feel. I set about preparing the bath; the hotel had a nice array of bath salts. I chose the rose scent, and waited for the water to heat up. Once the water got good and hot, I slid underneath its welcoming bubbles.
“Ahhhhh.” I said to the room. “A girl could get used to this.”
Once my skin began to prune, I knew I had better get out, seeing as the water had cooled off considerably. Even the hotel towels were the softest I had ever felt. I didn’t think they would miss one, so I stashed it in my suitcase. Is that wrong?
After eating my breakfast, I enjoyed a cup of coffee from the machine in the room. I took it out to the balcony and looked out across the city. The sun was just beginning to rise and the chirping birds could be heard all around. It truly was a peaceful morning. I forget what that feels like. Just to be alone with one’s thoughts. It felt nice.
Before too long it was time to meet up with Boris at the park. As I was paying the cab driver, I saw him and the cutest little blonde haired boy, playing in the sand.
“Boris!” I said as he rose to hug me. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and we sat down on a nearby bench.
“It’s good to see you. You look well.” I said.
“You look great, yourself, Ruby. How are you? How are the kids? Wow, how long has it been?”
“I am well. The school raised some money to send some kids to France on a Summer Trip. Lucky for me it was the Music Department. The kids are doing fine; seem to be growing like weeds. ”
“Oh my God! The Opera here is gorgeous. I fell in love the moment I stepped in the building.” I felt like I was gushing, but it was true. “Sorry, that was a bit random.” I flushed red.
“So, how are you Boris? You look...I don’t know, tired?” I asked carefully.
“That’s an understatement. This thing with Jacques, its ridiculous all the red tape I have to go through. Elissa signed the written release; it should be a done deal. It just feels like I am the one on trial most times, a meeting here and there and then a lot of waiting.” He sighed.
“I’m sorry Boris.” I answered, placing my hand upon his. “Can I meet him?” I asked gesturing towards Jacques.
“Yes, of course. I’m sorry.” I walked over to where he was playing and knelt down beside him.
“Jacques, this is your Aunt Ruby. She is your Aunt and a very dear friend of mine.” He said and smiled at me.
“Hello Jacques. I am happy to finally meet you.” I said while shaking his hand. “You know, you are about the same age as my three kids. Maybe someday you guys can play together, would you like that?”
He smiled and nodded happily.
“He really is sweet Boris. I am glad he is with you instead of ‘her’.” I said quietly.
We walked back to the bench to talk when a young couple approached us.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but are you Ruby Lothario?” The young man asked me.
The young man had brown hair and deep brown eyes. His beard, I guess you can call it that since it was just stubble, was cut close to his face.
“Yes, I am. Um...Do I know you? I asked quizzically.
He laughed, “No you don’t, my name is Wesley Roberts and we were just out for a walk when my wife here recognized you from your work with the Save the Music program.”
“Lizzy, come on over here.” He called to a beautiful, blonde woman.
“Hello.” She said shaking my hand. “I just wanted to say how much we love the work you are doing.”
“You see, I am an artist, and it’s a shame that these programs don’t get as much funding as some of the sports programs do. When we saw Hector Michaels on TV, his concert to raise funds was really quite remarkable. I was thrilled. Then to see you here in Paris...well, it’s really something.”
“Well, thank you very much.” I replied. I have to admit, I was taken aback by the praise from this couple.
“I just saw a need, and wanted to fill it. Hector has been very sweet, to help me out.” I said honestly.
“Would you object to some tickets to his next performance? I think I can arrange it for you.” I said.
“Could you? That would be very nice.” Wesley added. He began to jot down his name and address on a receipt he had in his wallet.
“Well, it was very nice to meet you, Ruby. Again sorry to interrupt.” He said speaking to Boris.
“It’s no problem at all. It’s good to see Ruby getting recognized for her work.” He said smiling at me.
“Thanks, you guys. It was a pleasure to meet you both Wesley and Lizzie. I’ll be in touch.” I said as they turned and walked away.
“That was a very nice couple.” I said to Boris as we sat again. “I’m sorry it interrupted our time together.”
“Bah! Like I said, I am happy to see you acknowledged for what you’ve done for music in our schools.” He smiled genuinely.
“So….you’re first meeting with some fans. You are moving up aren’t you?” he said jest fully.
Boris looked at his watch and mentioned it was time to go. He had some early meetings in the morning, and wanted to be well rested. I rose to hug him and gave him another kiss on the cheek.
“It really was good to see you again. Call me if you need anything, okay?” I told him.
“You bet Ruby. I am glad to see you doing so well. You deserve it.” He answered, adding, “Let’s make a point to get together more often”
“Yes, let’s!” I acknowledged.
I got a phone call from a Marisa a few days later. I wracked my brain trying to remember where I had heard that name before. Then it hit me….Molly’s work…that’s right…the model. She was throwing a ‘Welcome Home’ party for Little T and extended the invitation to me. I accepted and soon realized I hadn’t a gift to bring. This meant a shopping trip.
It was still early enough, I took a cab to a local baby store. And while they had some of the cutest clothes, I couldn’t see spending that much for an outfit he would grow out of in a few months. So, I opted for some learning toys. I chose the xylophone. Made my purchase and was on my way.
The night of the party had arrived. It would be good to see Molly, in better circumstances. A more awake Molly, that is. I didn’t recognize many of the attendees, I saw Boris, but he seemed engaged talking to a man, who looked like he could be a model himself. I gave him a small nod of the head to acknowledge him, when a young blonde man approached me. He looked familiar, I think I met him during the photo shoot with Hector; he was nice enough so I chatted with him for a bit.

Molly and Tony were constantly surrounded by friends. They both looked tired and in need of some peace.
“Molly, Tony. Congratulations!” I said, as I gave each of them a hug. “But, you two look beat. Can I get you anything?
“An escape route.” Tony remarked jokingly. “We’re glad you could make it though.”
“I am just glad I was able to be here. Things worked out well, I guess.” I said.
“Thanks again, Ruby.” Molly said.
“Bye, Bye Little T. be good for Mommy and Daddy, okay? Good night you two, make sure you get some rest, okay?”
I said my goodbyes to the rest of the guests, thanked Marisa for the invitation and was on my way back to the hotel.
I called the airport and made arrangements to leave on the next flight out. After a nice long flight, I was back in the States. It felt good to be back.
I immediately called Anita to let her know I would be home shortly, she said she would have the kids fed and ready for me.
When I pulled into the driveway, the kids burst out of the living room like bats out of hell.
“Mommy!!” They yelled as they scampered over to hug my legs.
“Oh, my babies, I missed you too.” I picked each one up and kissed them many times. “Were you good for Mrs. Littleton?” I asked sternly.

“Yesss.” They assured me. Putting Celia down, they kids toddled back into the house.
I glanced at Anita and she nodded in agreement. “They were fine. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“I am sorry it was longer than I had originally expected. Thank you so much for being here.” I said while writing out a check.
The kids wanted to hear all about mommy’s trip. “Let’s get ready for bed and I’ll tell you all about it.”
“Ahhh.” They grumbled.
“Come on…I am too tired to fight about it.”
I carried Leliana and Celia in my arms while Byron followed along behind me.
“Dang you two...you need to stop growing on me...you won’t be my little babies for long.” I said carrying them to their bedroom.
“Alright little ladies…” I said while tucking them into bed. “Byron, you sit here…nice and quiet, next to me…we all ready?”
I began with our trip to the festival, but hardly made it through the entire event when the three of them were sleeping soundly.
“Well, I thought it was fun.” I said to myself. I gently placed Byron in my arms and carried him to bed; he stirred a bit but soon was snoring peacefully.
Once I made sure the house was locked up tight, I myself curled up into my own bed, and was just as quickly sleeping peacefully.
Life soon got back to normalcy, playing at the Club, Mommy to the triplets, lunches with Axel on occasion.

I remembered that young couple I had met in Paris and quickly made a call to Hector. I got his voicemail so I left a message, telling of the meeting I had with Wes and Lizzie and would he please call me back.
I was fiddling with the guitar one morning, when I got a phone call it was Boris. He wanted to meet somewhere and talk. It sounded like he really had something on his mind. I agreed to meet him at this quiet restaurant in town.
I was halfway out the door when the phone rang yet again, "I'm on my way Boris!" I said by way of greeting, not even checking the caller ID.
"Excuse me, this isn't Boris. Do I have the pleasure of speaking with Ruby Lothario?" The voice on the other end was smooth as silk and had a well practiced calm to it.
"You do. Who is this?"
"Excellent! My name is Jack Harken, and I'm going to change your life," he said – and I believed it, I think anyone would believe anything this man said.
"Oh Boris! Sorry I'm late! I got the most unusual phone call on the way out the door!" I exclaimed as I rushed toward the table. I could tell he was interested but waved it off, "enough about that though, you go first!"
“Hello Ruby, I’m glad you decided to meet me.” Boris said, giving me a quick hug.
“Sure, anything for you, you know that.” I acknowledged, I couldn’t hide the worry that was growing in me.
“How did the custody hearing go?” I asked.
“Everything is in order. Took long enough, though.” He replied, although it was clear this wasn’t why we were here.
“Ok, Boris, what’s this all about?”
“Ruby,” he began. He didn’t raise his head, it was like he was trying to avoid my gaze, “I…!
“Boris?!” I urged.
“I don’t know how to say this. Or if I even should, but…” he paused, “…I mean after seeing Colin at the hospital; the way Tony and Molly were…I just don’t know, Ruby!”
I hadn’t realized I had been holding my breath, but I slowly released it. Hadn’t I noticed the same thing as he passed me in the hall that day? I had. I mistook it for fatigue, but looking back, he really looked miserable.
“Boris, I noticed the same thing. I thought he looked tired, and that very well may have been the case, but there was an underlying sadness to his face.” I mentioned, agreeing with Boris.
“Damn it, Ruby, I was angry with them, still angry at them. I couldn’t believe they carried on so with Colin sitting right there.”
“I know I shouldn’t feel this way, I mean Tony and Molly are our best friends, right? We should trust their actions. Besides, I don’t know the whole situation, but I can’t help it. I’m mad that Tony is carrying on so with Molly like that in public while married to Laila; disappointed that they did it while Colin is still there! I feel sorry for Laila, but mostly for Colin. He was right there for God’s sake!”
“Boris, I completely agree. Colin has been with Molly through everything. I can’t imagine the pain and heartbreak he and Laila are feeling right now. As much as I love Tony and Molly, what they did to those they professed to “love” is inexcusable.”
“I couldn’t even talk to them at the party. I thought I would be fine by then, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak to either of them. I am thankful they had so many other guests that I didn’t have to. I had to get back to the hotel to collect Jacques anyway.” He continued.
Placing my hand upon his, he had calmed considerably. He finally looked at me.
“Am I wrong for having these feelings? I know, I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it.”
“No, it’s not wrong Boris. You care about Molly and Tony. I’d even go so far as to consider Laila and Colin our friends too. It’s painful to see any one we care about hurt or wronged.”
“But, can I ask you something?” I continued cautiously.
“Go ahead.” He answered.
“Why did you wait until now to say something?” I inquired.
“I was so busy with Jacques and the new job. I didn’t have time to really think about it,” Boris shrugged.
“Do you feel better now?” I asked.
“I feel better having someone I can talk to about it. Someone who can understand my feelings and who in turn feels the same way I do.”
“Good….” I started to say but he interrupted.
“But I’m not going to suddenly be alright around Tony and Molly. It’s going to take me some time, Ruby!” He stated firmly.
“I know, Boris.” I acknowledged pulling him into a hug.
After a deep breath and some quiet moments, Boris turned his attention back to me, "so tell me about this phone call."
"You wouldn't believe it! This guy, Jack Harken was his name, he was in the club last week with friends and saw me. He's in the business Boris! He wants to help get me a deal and who knows what else!" Instead of being happy for me, I could see the concern on Boris's face. I knew he was concerned it was a scam or something but I put my hand on his and smiled. "I already called Hector and left him a message to see if he could validate who this guy is, I haven't signed anything and I won't just rush in like a mad woman." I grinned as the worry line disappeared from his face.
End Chapter
End Part 5