Planning this party was going to be a large undertaking. The kids were another year older. It almost seemed too hard to believe. My little babies were quickly growing up; they’d be in school before too long.
As, I sat at the kitchen table drumming up ideas for their party, I heard a mighty crash coming from the upstairs bedroom. I quickly jumped from my chair and rushed upstairs, skipping a few on my way up.
I tried to thrust the door open, but it was blocked by a nice pile of books.
“What the hell happened in here?” I yelled, I was too frightened to be cautious of my tone.
I pushed the pile of books out of the way and proceeded to make my way inside. As I surveyed the mess, I spotted my three “angels” cowering in the corner. They looked fine. I saw no mangled limbs or busted lips.
Byron was the first to break their silence. “I sowy Mommy. We were playing and Celia ran into the books.” His solemn face began to change into that of a sad little boy, with tears running down his face.
“Awww. Are you guys alright? No one is hurt?” I asked curiously.
It was that moment they all began to cry and offer up their apologies. How can you stay mad at that?

“It’s okay. Stop crying…I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to yell, it’s just you guys can’t scare Mommy like that. I thought you all were seriously hurt.”
Picking up Celia I checked to make sure she was indeed okay. “Aww, my poor baby. It’s alright.” I wiped her tears away with my sleeve. She began to settle down, so I put her on the floor.

“Now, let’s get this room picked up. And no more rough housing. You want to play rough, you go outside.”
Once the room was back to normal, the kids followed me into the living room, where I put a movie on for them to watch.
I sat back down to my birthday plans when the phone rang.
“Why do you ring when I sit down to do something?” I glared at the phone in the hopes it would stop…it didn’t. With a sigh I picked up the phone, “Hello?” I answered impatiently.
“I’m sorry; did I catch you at a bad time?” Mr. Hutton asked.
“Oh, no! Of course not.” I replied ashamed of my greeting. “I’m just dealing with some minor disasters here at home.” I laughed.

“I hope everything is okay.” He asked.
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Good, listen the reason I called, the fellow teachers and I had were wondering if you’d like to join us for a Karaoke night? Just a small get together to blow off some steam, are you interested?”
“Umm..sure.” I thought. “It could be fun. What time were you thinking?” Pulling out my calendar I began to scratch down some notes.
“How does this weekend sound? We could get dinner as well. I think it’d be a good way for you to get to know some of the other teachers."
“Sounds good.” I answered. “I’ll see you then.”
“Hey gang, want to go to Daddy’s this weekend?”
The room erupted into a collective roar of ‘yays’. “I’ll take that as a yes then.” I smiled as I dialed his number. He picked up on the third ring.
“Hello Axel, can I ask you a favor?”
“Sure, Ruby. What is it?” He asked.
“Do you mind taking the kids for the weekend? I really need some down time.”
“Of course I don’t mind, but are you alright?” he inquired thoughtfully.
“Oh yeah, I’d just like some ‘me’ time. I’ll drop them off on Friday afternoon. Sound good?”
“Sounds fine, I’ll see you then. Goodbye, Ruby.”
“Bye and thanks again.”
Once I dropped the kids off at Axel’s, I was a bit anxious for their well being, but I reminded myself that this was a weekend for me. They were going to be fine; they were with their father after all. Strangely, that didn’t make me feel much better.
Still, I sat at the table reading some music magazines. It was weird to see my picture on the pages,
promoting my Save The Music program.
As I sat at the table, I noticed how quiet the house was, almost eerily so. Had the house ever been this silent? I couldn’t remember. Even so, it bothered me.
Just then the phone rang. “Aaaah!” I yelled as I jumped at the sudden high pitched ring.
“Hey, Ruby. We’re all meeting at the Bistro in a few."
“Okay, great. I’ll see you there soon. Thanks again for inviting me.” I sat for a minute letting my heart beat return to normal. Stupid phone I grumbled.
Arriving at the Bistro, I was quickly seated. Dinner was good and the conversation was fun. These were the people I considered friends. I’d spent many lunch hours chatting with each and every one of them.
“This has been fun!” I exclaimed. “I don’t know when the last time I had any adult conversations, that didn’t require baby talk.”
Mr. Hutton, who insisted I call him Allen, suggested we head over to Club Envy for some drinks.
Stepping into the bar, I was surprised, at how crowded it was.
“Is it always this busy?” I asked, Allen.
“No, only on Karaoke Nights, they host them once a week. Have you ever done this before?”
“Umm, truthfully, not really. No…” Gah! Why was I stammering so? The butterflies in my stomach were telling me, ‘You can’t do this. You’ll make a fool of yourself in front of everyone.’
“Over here, guys!” A couple of teachers had grabbed us a table near the stage. They already had some drinks and snacks ordered.
Watching a few of the patrons sing their numbers, I was amazed at the lack of talent in some people. It was apparent a lot of these folks were a bit drunk, which made their performances all the more hilarious. We snickered and laughed at a lot of these poor slobs.
Everyone was talking about what they wanted to sing and who was going. I remained quiet, hoping they would forget I was there. I didn’t want to go. Finally all the hilarity of the night was suddenly sucked out.
They were going to make me do this.
“Come on Ruby, it’ll be fun.” They tried persuading me.
“I don’t know what if I majorly screw up, what if I fall?” I tried to use any excuse to get out of going up there.
“Bah! What if, what if! Just come on!” they replied rolling their eyes.
“I think I’ll watch you guys first, if you don’t mind.” I replied.
While they were singing, I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Hector. My hands were sweating as I placed my message.
“Go for it Ruby. You know you are ready! I’m proud of you,” was his reply.

I smiled as I read those words. Maybe I could do this. There weren’t THAT many people here…as I inspected the room, I barely had time to count when….I was being dragged to the stage. The other patrons in the building were clapping and cheering for us. I felt sick, but I was determined to go through with this. I mean, how bad can it be? Right?
The song they chose was an old favorite of mine, so it was easy to sing. Before long I had forgotten about all the people that were in the room and just focused on the people around me and how my revenge would be sweet. I grinned in spite of the nervousness I felt.

After the song, they clapped me on the back, “See, that wasn’t so bad was it?”
“No, I guess not.” I actually felt pretty good about it. I had done something I was determined not to do and I survived! With my dignity intact!
We sat and had a couple of drinks while we watched a few more inebriated patrons perform.
I was enjoying the camaraderie, when I heard my name being called over the microphone. My “friends” had signed me up for a solo. My face flushed red with embarrassment.
As a few of the employees, changed the lighting, Hector’s words kept going through my mind, ‘You can do this’.
So, I quickly downed the drink that was in front of me.

I think it was mine…doesn’t matter. As I felt the warmth of the alcohol flow through my system, I was filled with a sense of boldness. I walked up to that stage, grabbed a hold of the microphone and gave it my all.

I closed my eyes to block out all the eyes that were on me and just let the song take me away.
As I placed the microphone back in its stand, the building erupted in such a noise; I thought for sure glasses would begin to break. I could feel my face turn as red as my hair, but I politely bowed to “my audience” and sat back down. My heart was pounding a mile a minute, but I had never felt so good.
“Wow, Ruby! That was…that was great! I had no idea you could sing so well.” Allen exclaimed.
“Yeah, that was amazing!” The other teachers remarked.
The night wore on, we sang some more, drank some more, until I looked at the clock.

It was getting really late, and I was feeling really tired.
“I want to thank you guys for inviting me. This was just what I needed.” I said truthfully.
“Really, Ruby, it was our pleasure. It’s nice to get out of the work mindset and let loose.”
“You’ll join us next time, right?” Allen asked.
“I wouldn’t miss it.” I replied.
It’s party time! I have been planning this day for a month. We have so many people coming for the kid’s party that I decided to have it at the park. The weather had been cooperating so, it turned out to be a beautiful day.
“Boris! I’m glad you made it.” I noticed the boys were in tow. “My, you guys are getting so big!” I said to Ning and Jacques. “Do you want to go play? Byron and the girls are playing in the sand box.”
Boris and I were chatting when Lelia toddled up to me.
“Up! Mommy, up!” She demanded.
I picked her up and tickled her, she laughed happily. When I turned to face Boris again I noticed he was joined by Molly and Tony.
“Molly? You here!” I remarked happily . “And you’re pregnant.” I was so in shock I had to put Lelia down or risk dropping her.

“How did this happen?” I questioned.
“I think you know how it happened…” Boris remarked sarcastically.
Rolling my eyes, “Well yeah, I know…but…”
I just couldn’t believe it. What about Colin? Laila? Where do they fit in all this? I didn’t dwell on it long, because I heard Axel hollering for the kids to open presents.
“Come on guys! It’s present time!” I exclaimed.
The kids were so cute opening their gifts. The expressions they got on their faces when the present was opened were priceless.
Soon the kids were back to playing in the dirt and just being kids. I even caught Damon rough housing with the boys.
“Be careful Byron, don’t hurt him.” I said, winking at Damon. He gave me a knowing look right back.
As the day wore on the kids wore out. “I think they are partied out.” I mentioned to Axel.
“Yeah, they are little animals.” He grinned. “Let’s get them home.”
“Hey, are you doing anything next week? Maybe we can go get some dinner or something.” He asked.
“I was invited to an Open Mic night this weekend. Some of the teachers from school go to Club Envy for the karaoke.” I laughed, it sounded funny when spoken out loud. “I actually tried it once, and you know… it was fun! I didn’t think I could, I got so nervous, but I just swallowed my fear, went up there and sang. And everyone loved it.” I babbled happily.
“That’s great Ruby, you should have told me, I would have loved to come and see you.”
“It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. You are welcome to come the next time.” I offered.
We became regulars at Club Envy, the teachers and I. We even played around with an idea to form a band. Just for fun, you know. Helen, the resident English teacher thought “The Brain Waves” sounded like a great name for us. I had to admit it was kind of cute.
This particular evening was “Open Mic” night. People could come in and perform whatever they wanted. Today, most of the teachers brought in some of their own instruments. I hadn’t thought to pack my guitar, so I was left to front the “band”.
Allen had a few songs picked out that they wanted to play; thankfully they were ones I was familiar with.
Once we got our instruments set up, the lights dimmed and the spotlight was on me. I nearly froze.
There was an awkward 3 seconds before the folks behind started to play and then we just flowed from there. You’d think we had been playing together for a long time, the way we just meshed. We played another song before our set ended. I turned around to face my friends as the room erupted in applause and cheers.

“Wow!” I nearly yelled in joy. “That was awesome! Can you feel it?” I turned and bowed to the crowd as their applause grew and grew.
I could get used to this. It felt so good to be up there in the spotlight. The roar of the crowd, the bright lights, the thumping of my heart…it felt like it could burst from my chest. Yeah, I could get used to this; I thought to myself and smiled.