I arrived at Molly’s apartment, there was no answer, I stood outside for a while trying to remember the names of her friends; Maybe I could find them in the phone book.
I really need to keep better track of Molly’s friends as I could not even remember their names, but I think it was the panic mode I was in not hearing from her.
“Ahhh, I know, I’ll go to her job, maybe she is at work or someone knows where I can find her.” I thought to my self.
I arrived at Molly’s place of employment thinking I would get some answers, I walked up to the receptionist, she looked up at me with a friendly smile “hi can I help you?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m looking for Molly Gregory” “Were she expecting you?” “No, just tell her it’s Tony” “One moment please” as she picked up the phone. I’m not sure who she was talking to but she was saying “I see” quite a bit, I watch as the smile dropped from her face and was replaced with a look of worry. She gently hung up the phone “I’m sorry Molly will not be in today”.
I not sure if it was the look on her face or just me worrying “Could you tell me where she is?” I asked “Sorry we are not allowed to give out personal information or the whereabouts of our employees.”
After trying to get information from her for twenty minutes, my tone of voice changed as now I’m furious, “WELL GET SOMEONE DOWN HERE THAT CAN HELP ME!”
I’m not sure how big of a commotion I caused but someone had called security and people started to gather and stare.
Security: “I’m sorry sir, but you are going to have to leave the building.”
Tony: “I’m not going anywhere until someone tell me what’s going on with Molly”
Security; “I’m only going to ask you once more to leave or I’m going to have to remove you.”
Tony; “You and what army” Try it if you like..

Just then a woman walked up, “It’s fine, he is oaky, I’ll take care of everything he is a good friend of Molly’s”

She informed me Molly was in the hospital, I apologized, for my behavior and I departed for the hospital, during my taxi ride to the hospital I realized that I did not even thank the woman for her help; I should have at least gotten her name Maybe she recognized me from the times I used to come in and pick Molly up, However she know me did not matter I was just glad she was there to help but, the thought was quickly removed as I began to think the worse, all kinds of thoughts of Molly being in the hospital, I did not know if she was hit by a car or what had happened.
“Molly Gregory room please” I asked the receptionist at the hospital. I was thinking the worst, Molly’s family is all the way back in the states and she is here all alone as I walked briskly to her room.
Molly’s room door was closed, I knocked on the door before turning the knob slowly opening the door; not sure what to expect. As I slowly opened the door to my surprise Colin was standing mid-may from Molly’s bed and the door, as if he was coming to answer the door. I did not know what to think of Colin being here at the time, but there was a part of me that was glad that Molly was not alone.
Molly’s looked to be okay, well.. better than some of the thought and pictures that had run through my mind. Colin turned back to Molly bent over her and whispered something in her ear as I approached.
He then turned to leave toward me as he headed to the door, we did not say a word as we passed each other, I was not sure if he knew Molly and I were having a child together. We glanced at each other as we passed I heeded for Molly as he headed for the door.

Molly was trying to sit up as she saw me approach her bed; I hurried to help her sit up, “What happened are you okay?” While placing my hand on her stomach “Is the baby okay?” I asked.
"I'm okay, the baby is okay too." she said. Molly explained what happened from the time I left her until now, as much as she could remember at the time. I was still upset about everything I should have stayed.
"I'm sorry Molly, I should have been here...if I'd been here..."
"Tony, there was nothing you could have done. Besides, we're all still here so it's okay" as she smiled and placed her had over mine. "Now tell your son it's not time for him to come out yet."
"My son?" I asked in surprise “how when did you find out?”
"Well I'm just guessing." She said with a small laugh. I continued to touch my belly gently and talked to our child as Molly drifted off to sleep again.
I set in the room with Molly for a few hours when I remembered I had a meeting tomorrow, I quietly and slowly stood to my feet trying not to wake Molly, As I walked out of the room I turned on my cell phone and began to walk outside to Call my dad. I turned to see Colin going back into Molly’s room to be by her side, I thought to myself how much he must really loves her Molly was lucky to have him in her life again.
I’m was not sure how upset my dad would be about me missing the meeting tomorrow, but I was not going to leave Europe until I knew Molly and the baby was doing better and out of the hospital. I dialed my dads number “Hello” “Hi dad it’s Tony”
“Where are you Tony? I’ve been trying to call you all day.” My father said somewhat angered and yet relieved to hear my voice.
“I’m in Europe, Molly is in the hospital, there have been some complications with Molly and the baby, I’m not going to make the meeting back in the states tomorrow, I’m going to stay here a few days to make sure Molly is okay”. There was a short pause before my dad answered “I’m so sorry son, I hope Molly and the baby is fine, Give Molly my best and well wishes, Stay as long as you need, I’ll take care of the meeting.”
I gave my dad all the information on the meeting and where he could find the presentation I had put together. The next day my dad called me to informed me that the meeting was pushed back two weeks.
I was in Europe for a week when Dr. Nan released Molly and allowed her to return to work. Molly and I talked every day, but I knew I could not stay in Europe forever and had to return back to the states, I had fallen behind at work.
When I returned to the states My dad seemed not to be as worried, As I headed to my office my dad stopped me “Son wait, I need to talk to you” as he hurried toward me.
I stopped and turned towards him “Yes,”

“I had to hire someone to help you with the paperwork, I know you would want to hire your own employees, but this is a very important meeting tomorrow I had to make sure the work was getting completed on time.” He explained with a concern look.
“It’s fine dad, but I would work all night to make sure the work was complete, Just don’t get upset when I let this person go if they don’t workout.” I stated sounding a little upset, My dad was know for hiring nice looking girls in need of a job.
I walked into my office, my desk looked organized, papers not at all where I left them, I felt lost, I knew where everything was, I began to search for my files that I had been working on before I left for Europe. My frustration began to rise as I could not find anything; even the files in my drawers were miss-placed, I picked up the phone and called my dad, “who is this person that you hired I can’t find a damm thing!”
Sensing my frustration “easy son, everything is fine and filed in it’s proper place, she will be in shortly, just have a cup of coffee until she arrive, she will show you where everything is”
I hung up the phone and made up my mind, As soon as she came in, I was going to have her find my papers and tell send her to my dad’s office, she can work for him.
At eight O’clock sharp the door opened I stood up ready to tell this person to leave “Laila? What are you doing here?” as the anger quickly left and replaced with shock.

“I work here, I work right here in this office actually, your dad said he needed help, seeing he paid for the house I live in, how could I say no?” she said with a slight smile on her face.
I walked over to Laila, wanting to hug her, it’s been so very long since I’ve seen her I stopped and just looked at her for a while “It’s good to see you Laila.”
“It’s good to see you too Tony.” She said as she lowered her head “How is Molly and the baby? Your father told me why you were in Europe, I hope they are both doing much better” she said as she slowly lifted her head looking me in the eyes.
“They both are doing much better now Thanks.” That was all I could say, I did not know what to do at that point “that’s good news, I’m glad to hear they are doing better, I’m sure you must want to get some work done, I’ll show you where you can find everything.” Laila said as she began to walk toward the filing cabinet.
There was a place for everything, I don’t know if it was because this was Laila or she is just efficient but there was a place for everything, every file seemed to be easy to find and at the end of the day, my desk was clean and all paperwork was filled, all I had to do was ask for a file and she brought it to me in seconds, not matter what the subject, I don’t know how she remember where everything was, but any report, budget I asked for she had it ready.
Yes, it was a working relationship, but it was good to see Laila every day.
Over time Laila and I began to talk more, but she never asks me about the weekend Molly and I spent together, although she would ask if I heard from Molly and how were Molly and the baby.
I was booking a flight to Europe as Laila was placing papers on my desk, “Do you have a meeting in Europe?” “No, not quite, Molly have an appointment and I promised I would be there for each one” I answered as I continued to book my flight.” “You must care for her very much Tony, She is very lucky to have you as the father of her child.” She said softly as she began to walk away. I wanted to clear some things up with Laila but I had a meeting in an hour then had to fly to Europe “Wait Laila, can we talk when I return? I would love to talk to you about all of this.”
“Okay Tony, we can talk when you get back.”
Molly and I had decided to find out the gender of our child but everything was going wrong today, but I did not get off to the best start.
The meeting had run longer than I hoped, but I arrived at the airport on time, I wanted to get there early and spend some time with Molly before the appointment.
As I checked in at the airport I realized I had forgotten my passport at my father’s house, there was no way they were going to let be board this plane.
I called my dad “Hi dad it’s Tony I’m at the airport, but I left my passport at your house, please tell me you are at home.” I asked in a panic “Sorry son, I’m downtown in a meeting; I think you would get home faster than I could.”
I hung up the phone and went to see if they had another flight out to Europe; the only other flight that would get me there close to the time for Molly’s appointment leaves in two hours, by the time I leave the airport and arrive to my father’s re house to retrieve my passport and return would take me three hours. I was about to call Molly and give her the news, although I’m sure she would understand when my phone rang. I answered “Hello”
“Hi Tony it’s Laila your dad called and asked if I could go to his house and pick up your passport, I’m here now but I can’t find it, where did you put it?”
I informed Laila where my passport was, she then told me she was on her way to the airport, I booked the next flight and hoped Laila would make it in time.
I arrived just in time for Molly’s ultrasound, although I must admit I had no ideal what I was looking at, looked like I was looking at radar trying to find a plane or ship.
To my surprise Molly knew right away as she asked the tech "Looks like a boy. Am I right?"

"Yes, you're having a baby boy." he said. He printed out a few images, one of which had "It's a boy!" typed on it and handed them to Molly. "Congratulations. Your baby looks good, he's got ten little fingers and ten little toes.” The tech explained to Molly that Dr. Nan will go over everything during her next appointment.
I could not help but to smile as I looked at Molly and said “We’re having a boy”
Molly rubbing her belly chuckled “Yes, I heard, Little-T for little Tony” she said as if she was such a proud mother already.
I returned to the states, my dad asked “So, boy or girl?” I smiled and said “That reminds me I need to call Molly later tonight to see if we can come up with a name for your grandson.”
My dad was excited about having a grandchild and would have been happy with either a boy or girl although I think he like Molly was leaning toward a girl.
Later that night I called Molly we both agreed that Little-T would have Stark as a last name, and that was just about all we agreed on for a name. We had plenty of time to come up with a name so there was no hurry.
But I did enjoy talking to Molly, we were both so excited I think I called here every night for about a week coming up with names or just to talk about what we should buy, schools and every child related conversation we could think of.
While at my fathers house, which is were I stayed while working in the states, Laila was staying in a apartment building that my father owned while Xiang was staying at our house in China; Petronia and the kids would go there to visit as often as they could., some weekend Laila would spend time at Boris house with Jing.
One day after work Laila came over my fathers house, I must admit I was surprised to see her, but happy none the less. I opened the door “Come in Laila”
Laila was quite “Is everything okay” I asked, “Yes, I thought this would be a good time to talk, I’m quitting work, You are in a good position now so I’m going to return to China.” She continued to say “I thought we should talk about you and I before I leave.” I did not know what to expect, what she was going to say I did not want her to leave, although we never really talked about us before, I was just glad we could talk.
Laila and I sat down as she began to talk: Don’t say anything Tony just listen to what I have to say, I came here to the states not only because your dad asked me to help, but because I thought maybe there was hope for you and I.
Yes, it still bothers me about what happened between you and Molly but a part of me still wanted you in my life, you are my husband and I thought a part of you still wanted to be my husband. But I can’t stay here anymore.
I hear the women at the office talk as I walk past them, saying “that’s the boss soon to be ex-wife, she just don’t know it yet.” I hear them say they will make you their husband, I hear talk about you and how hot they think you are.
I was kind of upset and asked “why did you not say anything? Why did you not tell my dad he would have taken care of it.” Laila quickly cut me off “I know your dad would have taken care of it, I know you would have but that is not what I wanted, I don’t need someone to come to my rescue, what bothered me the most was you, you said you wanted to talk when you got back from Europe, I waited for weeks but you never did. You don’t talk to me about anything, everything I know about you and Molly; I found out from either my brother or your dad.

I don’t know anymore, if you want a divorce, I will grant you one, if you want to try and fix our marriage although it may take time for me to truly forgive you, I would have been willing to talk to you about it. But you have not said anything all I see is you running off to Molly, I know she is carrying your son, I know you need to be there for her and your son, but that’s all I know about you. I’m going home Tony, I’m going back to China for good, I know I asked you to leave and never come back, I don’t know what you want anymore. If you want to come home; I’m letting you know the door is opened but only if you are sure it will never happen again, I need to trust you, I don’t want you to come back it you think there is a chance this will happen again. I don’t just mean with Molly, I mean with any woman, if you don’t know don’t come back.
I’m not saying it would be like it was before; it would take time, but you can come home if you want and that is where you want to be, but you have to be sure that is what you truly want, I am willing to try. If you want a divorce; send over the papers and I will not fight it.
I tried to interrupt; but Laila would not let me say a word, I realized she was not looking for an answer right now, She wanted me to think about if I can be faithful to her, she was just letting me know she might be willing to try and fix our marriage if she could start to trust me. Laila stood “I’m leaving tonight Tony” I walked Laila to the door, a part of me wanted to say I’m sorry yes I will come home tonight, but a part of me knew I had to be sure, I never want to hurt her or anyone again. So All I could do was watch as she walked out of the door and hope it was not out of my life forever.
Molly and I decided it was time to tell her family and our friends the news, I was not sure how Boris and Ruby would take the news but I must admit I was a little worried how Molly’s family would react. Mr. Gregory in-particular; remembering the speech he use to give me when Molly and I were teens, how his little girl better never bring home any news other than she got good grades in school.
I decided I would fly into Paris to meet Molly and we would fly back to Crescent Bay together and tell everyone the new of our pre-parenthood.
We arrived at the Gregory’s I must admit I was a little nervous but I pretended not to worry to ease the tension Molly was feeling as she turned into me “We have to face them sometime Molly” I tried to say in confidence; as we approached the door.
Molly knocked it was not long before Mr. Gregory answered, I could hear Mrs. Gregory scream as she noticed Molly’s belly, I walked slowly over toward the couch where Molly was being drilled by her Mom about the baby “How long, why did you not tell us sooner, How far along are you, Where is Colin?” her Mom seemed to ask in one breath.
Molly saw I was standing near the door not saying a word when she gave me the eye, I walked over and sat by her side as she told her Family “"Um, well that's....you see, Tony is the baby's father." Molly said while smiling at me, I turned to Mr. Gregory to see his reaction which by the look on his face he was less than thrilled of our news.
“Tony may I see you outside” Mr. Gregory asked, or should I say demanded. I turned To Molly “I’ll be back shortly.. I hope” as her dad kissed her on the forehead and we stepped outside.

Trying to ease the tension “How have you b…” was as far as I had gotten when my words were cut short by Mr. Gregory “What the hell were you thinking” he yelled then paused for an answer from me that was not there, so he continued.
“You are a married man Tony, Molly is engaged to Colin, now what? you got her pregnant and intend to leave my baby to raise a baby alone?” he said in anger “No sir, I intend to be there for Molly and our son.” I said as I tried to assure him Molly is not alone in this.
“That’s not good enough Tony, I don’t know what the hell gotten into you boy, that was totally the most stupid thing you have done since I’ve known you, I think you had more sense as a child than you do now, you have made some mistakes in your time Tony, but now my baby girl have to suffer because of you and your little mistake! You…” I interrupted before he could continue as I was filled with anger “Say what you will about me, call me every name in the book if you like, but don’t call our child a mistake! Molly and I love each other, and although the heavens, the gods or faith decided that Molly and I may not ever be together as a couple, we still Love each other very much and our child represent that love, we will watch our love for each other grow as he grows, he shall never want for anything, he will never feel alone, all his needs will be met, this I can promise you Sir! So say what you will about me but, please don’t take it out on our child, he is our love, he is your grandson, he is our son, but one thing he is not, and that is a mistake!”

Mr. Gregory was quite for a moment then looked me dead in the eyes and said “You just better be there for Molly and her child” I looked him back in the eyes “Our child Sir!”
We walked back into the house Molly could see I was a little upset as I set down next to her however; she did not ask how it went; she just placed her hand over mine and continued talking to her family.
I’m sure she knew how her dad would react to our news, she was his baby girl after all, but the fact that I was still there is all she need to see and know.
We arrived at Ruby’s for the triplets birthday party, it was nice to see the gang again, although I was missing Stormy, I could swear I heard Stormy call my name and heard her peculiar laugh a few times. But as I turned in the direction she was not there; must have been the wind I thought.
Ruby surely have her hands full with the triplets, after Molly and I sprung our bit of news about us being parents, it was a bit awkward at first, but we were among friends, and that was all that mattered, latter Boris and Ruby gave Molly and I a few pointers and tips about raising children, I soaked it all in seeing they both were raising more than one child and seemed to be handling it quite well from my perspective.
There was quite a bit of noise, as the kids ran around screaming and playing games, I must admit Boris and Ruby had experience planning parties for children, as I continued to say to myself “Oh I never would have thought of that.”
All I could think of as I watched was I hope I could do as-good a job with Little-T; as Boris and Ruby are doing.
Xiang had the China refinery on line and was now working more in the states, he did not need to stay in China and was glad to return home to Petronia and his kids, the Europe refineries had a little more work before they would be completely operational but we were starting to order waste oil to be delivered in Europe. We hired operation managers for the facilities so we would not have to over see the day-to-day operation and could focus on growth of the plants, which meant more and more meetings.
The China plant was the largest and seeing that Xiang put most of the work into the development and took the leading role with the China government my dad and I renamed to China plant “Xiang Petroleum” While we named the Europe plant “Stark Lubricants” The investors although not too happy with the change of the names of the plant had little choice in the matter seeing my dad owned 60 % of the business and still had the option to buy out all remaining investors at a set price. He planned to buy out one of the investors next month and place Xiang on the board of directors with the three of us as members of the board; there would be little to stop us from running things our way.
Xiang, my dad and I decided to make an offer to buy the plant where Xiang used to work in the states “Simco Petroleum” it was a large plant with three divisions, serving the mid-west, Simco Petroleum generated a little over six million in revenue after expenses, we knew the market and the potential for growth was good with a little expansion; Simco could be making well over One Hundred Million per year after expenses.

During the meeting with Simco, we went over all the expenses and liabilities the company now have, and the total revenue before expenses and made our first offer of Six Hundred Million.
This could turn out to be a somewhat long process, as the owner of Simco and his lawyers was a little uneasy about why we wanted to buy. We ended the meeting giving Simco a chance to look over the offer and/or come back with a counter offer. As I was leaving the meeting with Simco my phone rang, I did not recognize the number on the caller ID but noticed it was from Europe.

“Hello” “Tony, it’s Colin, I’m taking Molly to the Hospital, you should come out when you can.” I told my dad and Xiang I had to catch the next flight to Europe, “is everything okay son?” my dad asked concerned not sure if it was the plant or Molly, “No, it’s Molly she is being taken to the hospital” I answered as I was running out to the car. Xiang and my dad chased behind “wait, we will drive you to the airport” my father shouted as he ran towards me.
I arrived at the hospital Colin was sitting by Molly’s side as I entered the room. Molly began to tell me what had happened, I felt bad I was not there yet I was relived that she was not alone, this time Colin was there with her.
Dr. Nan placed Molly on bed rest, meaning she could not be left alone, I began to think how would I be able to handle the take over of Simco from Europe, I was not sure how I would manage it but I had to try, Molly could not be alone.
As Molly Colin and I talked things out, Colin offer to stay in Paris renting an apartment to keep a daily eye on Molly, I stayed in Europe as long as I could. Although a part of me was sad that I was not there with Molly, there was another part of me that was happy for Molly; I could see how much Colin truly care for Molly for the first time in my life. I always knew they cared about each other but for the first time I could see just how much.
When I returned to the states, Xiang was waiting for me at the office.

“Tony, I need to talk to you, I don’t know what is going on with you and Molly, but I know my sister is hurting, you need to talk to her.” He said out of concern for Laila.
“I know I need to sort things out.” I said trying to assure him that it has been on my mind.

“I have respect for you as a person Tony, don’t make me lose that, She has been upset for some time now, she call me last night crying about you as she do many nights. I know she said you can come home months ago.
I’m not asking you to get back with her, but if you don’t think you could be faithful to her, then tell her that, don’t leave my sister hanging on a hope that may never come, you owe her that much! That’s all I have to say on the matter.” Xiang said as he left me standing in silence.
I began to think about my own life, I began to remember my childhood, Molly and I dating in High school, the time I spent in the service, and my wife Laila.
I realized just how much I missed Laila how much I love her and how much I hurt her, I needed to let her know one way or the other, Xiang was right, I did owe her that much.

Three weeks later. I arrive back in China.